2023 Speakers

2023 Speakers & Panellists

Listed in alphabetical order by surname

Aman Pannu

Lead Solutions Director – Chironix

Dr Matt Adams

Director, Earth Observation – Landgate

Dr Ophir Almog

Co-Founder & Chief Scientist – Momentick (Israel), Remote Sensing Expert

Krystal Azelton

Director of Space Applications Programs – Secure World Foundation (USA)

Dr Susanne Bahn

CEO – Tap into Safety

David Ball

Regional Director, Australia and New Zealand – Lockheed Martin Space

Tamryn Barke

National Project Lead – Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct

Adrian Beer

CEO – METS Ignited

Erin Bell

Founder & Managing Director – Co Connect App

Gretchen Benedix

Deputy Head of School, Earth and Planetary Sciences – Curtin University

Alex Bertram

Industry Innovation Lead – Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct


Director, Space Science and Technology Centre – Curtin University

Ben Brayford

Chief Executive Officer - Innovative Energy Solutions

Alan Brunstrom

Former European Space Agency Applications Ambassador (UK)

James Bunn

President – Engineers Australia, UK Chapter

ben Bussey

Chief Scientist – Intuitive Machines (USA)

Newton Campbell

Director, Space Programs – AROSE

Jackie Carpenter 2

Managing Director – One Giant Leap Australia Foundation

Sebastian Chaoui

Co-Founder & CEO – Arlula

John Chappell

CEO – Scitech

Hemant Chaurasia

Chief Product Officer – Fleet

Ian Christensen

Director – Private Sector Programs at Secure World Foundation (USA)

Megan Clarke

Chair – Australian Space Agency Advisory Board

Derik Cloete

Senior Engineering Solutions Manager – LEAP Australia

Nathan Cole

Co-founder – Blak Digital

Sarah Coleman

CEO – idoba

Lucy Cooke

Founder & CEO – SpaceDraft

Jacqui Coombes

Board Chair; ICRAR, Mining3 and SageAbility

Michael Cratt

Managing Director – AV-Comm Space and Defence


Vice President, New Energy Solutions – Woodside Energy

Leanne Cunnold

Chief Executive Officer – AROSE

Ross D'Angelo

Assistant Director, Immigration Operations – Immigration Group, Department of Home Affairs


Deputy Director General – WA Government, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Stephen Dawson

Minister for Emergency Services; Innovation and the Digital Economy; Science; Medical Research; Minister Assisting the Minister for State and Industry Development, Jobs and Trade

Melissa de Zwart 2

Professor of Space Law, Policy and Governance – University of Adelaide

Florence Drummond

Director – Kara Ged

Ross Dungavell

Senior Engineer, Project Manager, Cyber Physical Systems – CSIRO

Joel Earnshaw

Manager, Security & Risk – Perenti – Diversified Global Mining Services

Chris Eriksen

General Manager, Technology and Information Management – Atlas Iron


National Manager, Space – Bureau of Meteorology

speaker Shawn Fernando

Remote Operations Manager – Woodside Energy

Daria Filichkina

COO – AstroAgency (Scotland)


Executive Chair – Delta Lithium. Chair – AROSE


Director – Fugro SpAARC (Australian Space Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Control Complex)

Kath Forward

Assistant Director – Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre, Department of Home Affairs

James Free

NASA Associate Administrator – Exploration Systems Development (USA)

Neil Freeman

Innovation Manager – Rio Tinto

Bennett Frerck

Application Engineer – LEAP Australia

Ikkoh Funaki

Professor – Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Professor Roberto Furfaro

Deputy Director – Space, Security, Safety & Sustainability Center, Professor, Systems and Industrial Engineering – University of Arizona (USA)

Raj Gautam

Founder & CEO – QL Space – QL Resources

Jonathan Geifman

CEO – Helios

mark Gibberd

Director – Centre for Crop Disease Management Curtin University

Christine Gibbs Stewart

CEO – Austmine

Gavin Gillett

Solutions Architect, Autonomous Systems – Nova Systems

Thomas Gooch

CEO – Office of Planetary Observations – Urban Greening Insights

Dr Zvi Guterman

Chief Executive Officer – Cloudshare (Israel)


Chief Security Officer (CSO) & Director, Defence & Space – Curtin University

Dr Butler Hine

Program Manager – HelioSwarm, NASA (USA)


Principal – Joseph Banks Secondary College

Jonathan Hung

Executive Chairman – Singapore Space and Technology Limited

Roger Hunter

Program Manager – Small Spacecraft Technology Program NASA (USA)

Melanie Asdaf

Director – Curtin Institute for Data Science

Jasmine Kadic

Managing Director – Benang Industries

Renu Kannu

Eco-System Lead – Australian Automation and Robotics Precinct

Assoc. Prof. Parwinder Kaur

Special advisor with the WA Government for the 10-year Science and Technology plan, Diversity in STEM expert panel, Office of the Hon Ed Husic MP, Minister for Industry and Science, Australia

speaker Michelle Keegan

Program Director – AROSE

Dr Kent Matla

Triangle Capital & Blak Angels Network

Vincent Kessler

Executive Officer/ General Manager – Synspective (Singapore)

Professor Peter Klinken

Chief Scientist of Western Australia – Australian Space Agency Advisory Board Member

Shintaro Komatsu

Research Engineer – Kajima Technical Research Institute (Japan)


CEO & Managing Director – SmartSat CRC

David Korsmeyer

Deputy Center Director – NASA's Ames Research Center (USA)

Susan Kreemer-Pickford

General Manager, WA – Engineers Australia

Ram Kappusamy

CEO – Space Angel

Steve Lanyi

Assistant Director – Cyber and Infrastructure Security Centre, Department of Home Affairs

Dr Carsten Laukamp

Principal Research Geoscientist – CSIRO Mineral Resources

Dr Roger Lawes

Principal Research Scientist – CSIRO Agriculture Flagship, Leader, Digital Decisions (Agriculture) – CSIRO

Dave Lawie

Chief Geoscientist & Chief Technologist – Mining – IMDEX

Wesley Lawrence

CEO – AxisTech

Chris Lawrence

Department of Human Centred Computing – Monash University

Ryan Lister

Professor, International Space Centre – UWA

Gareth Martin

Chief Executive Officer – Business Events Perth

Rohan McDougall

Executive Director Commercialisation – Curtin University

Charlie McGillis

Senior Vice President, Government Relations and Strategy – Slingshot Aerospace (USA)

speaker Dawn McIntosh

Space Systems Director – Fugro SpAARC (Australian Space Automation, Artificial Intelligence and Robotics Control Complex)

Kerri Mertz

Senior Account Manager, International – Slingshot Aerospace (USA)

Dr Mark Micire

Former Robotics Group Lead and Research Scientist – NASA, Former Program Manager – DARPA

Daniel Milford_STARTUP

Founding Chief Executive Officer – Chironix


Centre Director – ARC Centre of Excellence in Plant Energy Biology – Plant Scientist – Plant Protein Expert

Hirokazu Mori

CSO – Warpspace (JAPAN), CEO – Warpspace (USA), Vice President – Blue Abyss (JAPAN)

Kylah Morrison

General Manager – METS Ignited Australia

Dr Jasmine Muir

Principal Scientist – SmartSat CRC, Leader – Agriculture Research

Alex Murphy

Director & Head of Engineering – Ausco

Siriana Nair

U.S. Consul General

William Notardonato

CEO – Eta Space, Former Senior Principal Investigator – Cryogenic Test Laboratory NASA


Astrophysicist & Head of the International Space Centre – UWA

Erika Olson

Deputy Chief of Mission - United States Department of State

Emeline Paat-Dahlstrom

Co-Founder and CEO – SpaceBase

Enrico Palermo

Head of the Australian Space Agency

Siddharth Pandey

Postdoctoral Researcher – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory,
Space Systems Engineer – Fugro


MD – Lunar Ascent, Non Executive Director – Space Industry Association of Australia, Node Coordinator – SmartSat CRC

Dr Stefan Paterson

Principal – Integrated IP

Charitha Pattiaratchi

Professor – Oceans Graduate School UWA

Fred Pauling

Wildcat Technologies Lead – CSIRO Data61 Robotics & Autonomous Systems Group

Venkat Pillay

CEO – LatConnect60

Anil Prakash

Director General – Satcom Industry Association (India)

Octave Procope-Mamert

ESOC Head of Ground Facilities Operations Division – European Space Agency

Ben Radford

Spatial Modeling & Ecological Research Scientist – the Australian Institute of Marine Science

Kunal Raina

Lead for International Business and Strategic Partnerships – Axelspace (Japan)

Rueben Rajasingam

Chief Operating Officer & Co-Founder – LatConnect 60

Sakthikumar Ramachandran

Founder & Chief Executive Officer – OrbitAID Aerospace (India)

Dr Subba Rao Pavuluri

Chairman & Managing Director – Ananth Technologies (India)

Mehdi Ravanbakhsh

CEO & Co-Founder – CryptoCrispy

Cecily Rawlinson

Director – CyberWest

Peter Rossdeutcher

Chair – AROSE Board of Advisors & First Nations X

Rodolphe Ruffie-Farrugia

Space, Resources, and Disputes Lawyer – Clifford Chance, Advisor – Space Court Foundation

Sara Sabry

Citizen Astronaut, CEO and Founder – Deep Space Initiative

Rita Saffioti

Western Australia Deputy Premier, Treasurer, Minister for Transport, Tourism

Masashi Sato

Director and COO – SPACETIDE, Foundation Principal – ispace (JAPAN)


Deputy Director – Space Science and Technology Centre, Curtin University

Dr Sascha Schediwy

Principal Research Fellow – International Centre for Radio Astronomy Research (ICRAR) – International Space Centre – University of Western Australia

speaker Jon Sciortino

Portfolio Manager, Autonomous & Intelligence Systems – Nova Systems

Shankar Sivaprakasam

Founder – Earth Eye Space (Singapore)

Daniel Smith

Director – Space Scotland

Bryce Solomon

Chief Security Officer – DUG Technology – High Performance Computing

Dharshun Sridharan

Associate Director, Emerging Technologies (Space, Robotics, AI) – KPMG

Jonathan Stock

Director – US Geological Survey National Innovation Center, US Department of the Interior (USA)

Sugai Suguru

Manager, Indo Pacific Business Development – ispace (Japan)

Lynette Tan

CEO – Space Faculty (Singapore)

Yumiko Tateshita

APRSAF Executive Secretary/NSLI Coordinator Advisor to the Director International Relations and Research Department Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency (JAXA)

Paula Taylor

32Degrees South & MIT REAP Team WA

David Thomas

Executive Director – Milo Space Science Institute, Arizona State University

speaker Ryan Timoney

Senior Mechanical Engineer – First Mode

Raquel Todd

Blak Line Industries & Four Hills Group

Rebecca Tomkinson

CEO – The Chamber of Minerals and Energy of Western Australia


Chief Sales Officer – EXTAG

Pia Turcinov AM

General Partner – Fund WA, Director – BrainChip Holdings

Terry van Haren

Air Commodore (Retired), President & Managing Director – LeoLabs

Alexandra Vidyuk

Founder – Space Ambition (Singapore)


Chief Technology Officer – Australian Space Agency


Founder & Managing Director – Black Arrow Space Technologies (UK)

Gareth Willis - new

Head of Security – Fugro SpAARC

Jesslyn Wong 2

Co-Founder & Co-CEO – Wall Pie Space and Technology (Singapore)

Nicolas Younes

Research Fellow – The Australian National University


Director, Space – WA Government, Department of Jobs, Tourism, Science and Innovation

Doron Zauer

Co-Founder & General Partner – Earth & Beyond Ventures (ISRAEL)


Director – MySecurity Media / Australia in Space


Director & Executive Editor – MySecurity Media / Australia in Space

speaker Muhammad Bilal Shaikh

Data Scientist – MySecurity Media / Australia in Space


General Manager, Industry Engagement – MySecurity Media / Australia in Space
