Space Technology for Finance and Insurance 101

Introductory Session


Join our trailblazing panel session designed exclusively for professionals in the banking, finance, and insurance sectors as we explore the transformative power of space-enabled technologies. This illuminating discussion will uncover how satellite imagery, AI, data analytics, and remote sensing provide a cutting-edge advantage, empowering participants with tools for better decision-making, forecasting, and risk management. Attendees will gain valuable insights into the vast benefits space technology offers, from enhancing financial modeling and fraud detection to fostering sustainable investing and disaster resilience. Join us for this inspiring session and unlock a universe of possibilities that will revolutionize the way you navigate the financial landscape and secure a prosperous future for your organizations and clients.

This session is subject to interest – please nominate your interest when registering.

Register interest

Register interest to attend the 2024 Indo-Pacific Space and Earth Conference. More details will be announced soon.


Register for early bird tickets.
